You will discover how much your image can influence the goals you can reach.

When we’re looking for a new job, we’re always confronted to that first impression. But before hand, what impact does the first impression have on somebody, as much on the personnal than professional way ?

A study at the Princeton University revealed that only in one hundred miliseconds, we can judge someone fermely. And we only need ten seconds to evaluate if someone is trusworthy, attractive, nice and finally… competent.

Other statistics show also how the first impressions are influenced at 55% by our gestures, our attitude, the image of someone ; 38% by our voice tone and only 7% by the content.

Are you projecting the right image ?

There are different factors that might influence our perception ; the posture, our hair, clothes, in other words our complete appearance. It is primal that we project the right image that we would like to vehicule of ourself. Do not hesitate to adjust your style on the type of domaine you are applying in.

Elements to remember :

–          Have a good attitude

–          Shake their hand with insurance

–          Smile and be elegant

–          Have a confident voice tone

–          Always be listenning and interested

–          Have a confident posture ; shoulders back and maintain a good breathing

–          Maintain a visual contact, that will project confidence

Stay yourself

Elements to remember :

–          Have a good attitude

–          Shake their hand with insurance

–          Smile and be elegant

–          Have a confident voice tone

–          Always be listenning and interested

–          Have a confident posture ; shoulders back and maintain a good breathing

–          Maintain a visual contact, that will project confidence

Stay yourself